IUS in SDG Action – January: Month of #ZeroPoverty
International University of Sarajevo (IUS), as a higher education institution, aims at achieving as many Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as possible and thus contribute to the society. IUS, in cooperation with Homework HUB, organized an event on the occasion of marking the month of #ZeroPoverty within the scope of SDGs.
Mr. Saša Magazinović, a Member of BiH Parliament delivered a lecture on #ZeroVAT #ZeroPoverty #SDG1 in HUB Event Space. He introduced the attendees to the draft Law on the Abolition of VAT on Food Donations. He presented detailed examples and reasons for passing this Law as well as the relevant institutions in charge of its enforcement. 80 million BAM’s worth of food is annually wasted and this fact shows the importance of passing this Law.
A discussion followed the lecture where members of Mozaik Foundation presented a campaign #NikoGladanNikoSam (No One is Hungry, No One is Alone), which is implemented in cooperation with USAID and Philanthropic Forum. As explained, abolishing VAT on donated food would help companies benefit more from food donations: instead of paying disposal costs, which amount to around 5% of the value of the disposed food, they would contribute more to a better society by investing money in social activities and creating even better living conditions.
Passing this Law would show that, as a society, we have chosen the path towards achieving an EU goal to reduce food waste by the end of 2030.
Redistributing food to people or animals would significantly reduce food waste, which would lead to a positive environmental impact and greater physical safety of people who live in the immediate vicinity of landfills.